We often look for a reliable answer to our question regarding how to leash train a dog. Teaching a dog anything but also how to stroll on a leash is considered an important technique you can develop in your dog. Not only does strolling your dog provides a much-needed workout for your thriving dog, but it will enhance all-around compliance and responsiveness.

Let’s get started:


1. Choose a collar and leash

Choose a collar and leash - Leash Train a dog

Choose a collar and leash.

A collar and a leash are the essential supplies you require to leash train a dog. A flat, light collar and light leash are great, to begin with, and allow your dog to get accustomed to having something around his neck. There is no need to get any crazy choker collars, especially while the dog is small and timid.


2. Allow your dog to get used to the collar.

It is not uncommon for dogs to get nervous when attaching a collar for the first time. Some dogs will throw tantrums or try to chew on the collar. There are some general strategies you can try if your new pal doesn’t seem to like his collar.


3. Distract the dog.

Try putting the collar on while you are playing with him, or while you’re out on the lawn.

Reward the dog. Rewarding is an essential task while you are working on how to leash train a dog. Bring out his favorite treat or toy, and give one to him as soon as you put the collar on.


4. Loosen the collar.


The collar should nestle around his neck, but not tight to the point which it causes discomfort.

5. Introduce the leash

Introducing the leash at the appropriate time is a crucial step in your mission of how to leash train a dog.  Begin instructing your dog at home rather than out on a walk so it doesn’t get confusing. This can also cause some dogs to go haywire, while other dogs simply shut down and won’t move.

The initial moment you fasten a leash, lower your end on the floor and let him run someplace. Fiddle with the dog, or acquaint him to another dog and let them play while the leash is still hauling around. Make sure he doesn’t get caught up in this process. Pick up the leash sometimes and call the dog to you, offering treats when he comes.


Part 2 of 3: Leash Training the Dog


Create a calm environment

Create a calm environment

Create a calm environment

Creating a peaceful atmosphere is necessary to litter train a dog. Many dogs get extremely excited upon seeing a leash and will bark, whine, or spin. If this is the case, stand perfectly calm with the leash in hand until he calms down. Remember to stay calm during your walks, the dog will pick up on your energy and are more likely to remain calm if you lead by example.Avoid having a set destination for your walk just in case your puppy doesn’t respond well. Just take it around your area and let it lead the way.


Carry treats with you.

Carry Treats with you - Leash Train a dog

Carry Treats with you

You should get in the habit of carrying small, easily chewable treats for your puppy during the training process. If the treats are too large and take too long to chew it can interrupt the training process. Some examples of good treats for training are small chunks of a hot dog or little pieces of cheese.

Don’t coax your dog with the treats during the walk. Instead, use them to reinforce good behavior.


Be supportive and patient.

Let the puppy adjust to the idea of being on a leash. If the dog looks nervous, bend down in front of him and pet him. While going through the journey of how to leash train a dog, your patience is necessary.You can also offer the dog small treats as you walk. Be patient with your pup as he gets used to being on a leash. You don’t need to reward bad habits, but there are simple and effective ways to deal with bad behavior without getting upset.


Stop bad behavior.

While you are working on how to litter train a dog, you have to stop bad habits from developing by addressing them every time they occur. Remember, you do not need to get angry and yell or hit the dog. There are more constructive and positive ways to reinforce good behavior without losing your cool. Some common examples of bad behavior and how to address them are below.

The puppy pulls the leash. As soon as this happens, stop walking and standstill. Don’t yank on the leash, just let the dog know that, when it pulls, it gets nowhere. Call the dog back to you, and give him a treat when he comes. If you consistently and calmly do this every time he pulls, he will quickly learn not to.

The puppy sits or lays down. When a puppy resists going for a walk, take a few steps away, call him, and offer a treat. Start walking until your puppy resists again, and repeat the process. Again, with calmness and consistency, the puppy will learn to enjoy walking and being on the leash.


Be consistent.

This is the most important part of any kind of dog training. The dog is eager and happy to learn, all he needs is for you to properly communicate your expectations. When you consistently reward positive behavior and stop bad behavior, the dog will develop good behavior. However, if you are inconsistent and let the puppy pull on a leash frequently, he will have a hard time knowing what you want. Consistency will help you to achieve success in your task of how to leash train a dog.


Part 3 of 3: Continuing your Training into Doggie Adulthood


Walk your dog frequently

Walk your dog frequently

Walk your dog frequently

Continue to take your dog for walks, multiple times a day if possible. This will allow you to continually reinforce good walking practice for your dog so he doesn’t forget his training. Remember to stay patient while not rewarding negative behaviour.


Stay in front

This establishes that you are in control, and increases the dog’s obedience on the leash. You may need to shorten the leash and stop moving if he tries to pull. Call him back, give him a treat, and repeat. Continue to shorten the leash over time until he’s used to walking right at your side or just behind you.


Remember to stay calm and attentive. Don’t play on your phone, or get tense or angry.


Pay attention to other dog owners

If you are walking along a sidewalk or trail and notice a dog owner who seems to be nervous or weak, be prepared to deal with undesired behavior from their dog. Keep walking forward with your dog at your side, rewarding him with a treat if he does not pull on the leash to play with the other dog.


Choose proper walking equipment

Choose proper walking equipment

Choose proper walking equipment

If your dog is prone to pulling, use a short leash (four to six feet). No-pull harnesses can decrease pulling, while regular body harnesses usually encourage the dog to pull. Avoid using retractable leashes, which make your job of training the dog significantly more difficult. Choker chains and prong collars often do not provide any advantage, unless training with a certified professional dog trainer.


You should know the perfect and easy way how to leash train a dog. The solution to efficient leash training is consistency and patience. Remember this in all aspects of disciplining your dog, and you are likely to share many happy walks.

The simplest procedure is awarding the dog with little, effortlessly chewable treats. These are tasty rewards for the dog that are also apt enough to avoid diverting the canine from his activity.

Occasionally just playing a game of fetch or tug-of-war can be sufficient of a bonus to reinforce positive behavior. An important point to note here is it does not take much time to leash train a dog.

Another good reward system, albeit more complex, is clicker training. The clicker enables you to communicate further effortlessly. What exactly your dog is working right by generating a clicking noise and delivering a treat when he does you like.

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